I am currently writing this post from our “NEW” house – we’ve moved in!! We worked so hard to get to this day, and while the house is most definitely NOT finished, it’s livable, and that’s huge! Hope you’re following along on Instagram & my Facebook page for updates as we go along!
Of course I will share pictures and posts room by room as we finish them off, but this is the last monthly house update. Four crazy months, a ton of help from my family, and a LOT of hours logged at the house…it’s all brought us to move-in day! We wanted to move in a few weeks before baby #2 came (I’m 34 weeks pregnant now) so we could give our toddler a few weeks to adjust before his world gets rocked with a newborn brother/sister.
In the beginning of April, we were thrilled to finally get our kitchen cabinets installed. When people heard this, they were begging for pictures – but we hesitated to show them. We are not doing a typical kitchen design, so things didn’t look close to finished yet! Here’s what our kitchen looked like after the cabinets were delivered and installed:
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While it was exciting to US – it needed to be followed with lots of disclaimers for everyone else who was looking into the kitchen! By getting the countertops installed a few days before we moved, we were able to visualize the finished kitchen even more:
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That is one BIG (and super heavy!) piece of granite!
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I love this view from the hallway into the kitchen:
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Besides the big things that are missing, there’s lots of little things that won’t take long to finish, but can’t get done yet! We are having some plumbing issues in our second floor bathroom, so we can’t close up the ceiling until they’re fixed. We have uneven floors, so our Amish cabinet maker put our island on temporary blocks until he can make little feet for the cabinets to sit on. The shelves in the island are missing pieces to get fully installed. The fridge door needs to be switched to the other side so the handles can get installed. So besides adding in our backsplash, paint & open shelving, there’s just lots of “little things” that have to be finished. I am 100% OK with this, but we get some funny looks when we try to explain this to people Image may be NSFW.
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Let’s move upstairs! Our downstairs living areas have been a huge focus over the past few months, so before we moved in, we needed to do some real pushing on the upstairs rooms. My family had a painting party one Saturday and we got a LOT done! Remember how our master bedroom used to have this dreaded red ceiling? Oh, that was bad. Now, it’s clean and bright!
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We also had our contractor build closets for us in the master bedroom – SO needed! It took us a long time to figure out the best way to make this work for our space/needs, and I’ll share more about it when they’re finished Image may be NSFW.
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Isaac’s room is going to be getting a FULL makeover at the end of this year (when we transition him into a “big boy bed”) but for now, we have the preliminary paint job finished and this is how he will live in it for a few months. He has SUCH a big room!!
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If you noticed, I haven’t shown you the hallways. There’s a reason for that Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. We determined that we just wouldn’t have enough time to tackle the hallways before we moved in (or for a few months after) so they’re stripped of wallpaper, but not much else has been done to them. All in good time!
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Our house already looks SO different than it did a few months ago, and it’s now becoming a HOME! I can’t wait to share pictures with you guys of how it looks with actual furniture/decorations in it so soon!
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My wonderful family taking a much needed coffee break on our LAST Saturday workday (pre-move)
So excited to share pictures with all of you as we make each room our own!
Catch up on all of the previous months (click on the pictures to be brought to the post):
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